Most of Western society has had this hang up with homosexuality for the past thousand years. Old habits are hard to break and this is not the exception. What has promoted all this hatred, distrust and admonishment into our collective minds has been for the most part religion.
Religion has gotten in their minds that homosexuality somehow was something evil and should not be tolerated. It was carried to extremes, from disapproval to actual persecution and even death. It was mostly based on a few lines from the Old Testament and the Christian religions picked up this concept, ignoring all others even in the same page of these Scriptures to single out homosexuality and therefore justify their persecution.
Mathew Sheppard was one victim of hate crimes
As the church gained more power, the repression grew larger and at some point it was made so disgusting and evil that even the mention of the word had negative connotations. Gays had to endure all of this; mostly survive through these times without being found out…as most had no option but to live in their closets, repressing what is a very normal and natural sexual orientation.
As long as the religions ruled and they had the power this was the norm and it wasn’t until recently that all this nonsense was questioned and challenged. Eventually with a lot of opposition and struggle the gay segment of society not only grew tired of the repression, discrimination and persecution but became confrontational and gained enough strength to be able to counteract all the religious ideology on the subject of homosexuality as they were stripped of any validity by critics of the parts in the Scriptures where these were to be found.
When homosexuality was accepted as a relatively harmless deviation by science, the religious right went ballistic. They could no longer accept science for this and because they could not justify Creationism as well. But also, the general population grew tired of hearing all these fanatics defending something that went against logic, reason and scientific evidence.
Once deprived of these, the religious fanatics kept clinging to the Scriptures, particularly Leviticus and the supposedly destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. But these too have also fallen to the wayside for the farce they are and now what we have is a segment of the population, albeit a minority, claiming their human rights.
This is not going to happen any time soon, but it is coming.
This is evident in the emergence of GAY PRIDE and this is something that the fucking Evangelicals and in particular the Morons Mormons can’t tolerate. They are eating their insides out because they can’t get their hands on the government to do the persecution for them. They have succeeded in making some odious laws but on the other hand there have been some grounds gained on the part of the secular-progressives by denying religion the power to legislate morality.
It is so obvious that the religious right is upset that they no longer have the power to inflict injury, humiliation and exert persecution on the gay populations…we are here, we are queer, and you better live with it.